Acton Elementary SCHOOL
Acton Elementary for grades 2 to 5 is Montessori reimagined for the 21st century, combining individualized learning with Socratic discussions and real-world projects. In Acton elementary, children begin their journey to discover a calling and change the world.
Acton Elementary
Montessori for the 21st Century
Today’s children will encounter a future vastly different from the world we know today. To prepare for—and thrive in—the world that lies ahead, they will need to know how to think critically, solve problems, and adapt to changes; they will need to know how to innovate, create, and collaborate; they will need to know what they are passionate about, what they are good at, and how they can combine those things to change the world. At Acton, we equip children for the challenges and opportunities of the future.
The Acton Elementary Curriculum
Learning to Learn, Learning to Do, Learning to Be

Learning to Learn—Individualized, Mastery Learning
At Acton, children work at their own pace to achieve mastery in the core skills of reading, grammar, and math rather than to earn grades or pass tests. In mastery learning, children take the time they need to master a topic before moving on to the next, more advanced level. This allows children to always work in their challenge zone, to zoom ahead in topics that come quickly to them and to go more slowly in other areas where they need more time.
Learning to Do—Project-Based Learning
Acton is an innovative school where children engage in real-world projects, or quests, that challenge them to learn by doing. They don’t just read books about physics and complete physics problems on paper but instead build and test marble runs, boats, and bridges in real life. They learn about physics but also about teamwork, problem-solving, hard work, and perseverance. And they have fun! Quests challenge Acton students to learn by doing in fields as diverse as biology, programming, forensics, poetry, history, and more. And rather than simply taking tests, Acton students prove their learning through public exhibitions. For instance, for the entrepreneurship quest, learners make something with their own hands and sell to real customers at the Acton Children’s Business Fair.

Learning to Be—Socratic Discussions, Self-Governance, Character
Children at Acton learn to be by engaging in Socratic discussions that encourage deep thinking and reflection about themselves and the world; taking ownership of their learning by setting their own learning goals and participating in the governance of their class; and practicing and celebrating character traits—such as hard work, integrity, persistence, kindness, and gratitude—that are important for a fulfilling and meaningful life.
The Acton Journey
Discovering a Calling and Change the World
“I can’t imagine a better place for my daughter.”
Acton elementary is a learner-driven community where each child is on a journey to discover a calling and change the world. Acton elementary students explore questions such as Who am I? Where am I going? How do my passions and talents connect with the world around me? How can I serve a great need and even change the world?
Acton invites children to imagine themselves as the heroic protagonist in their educational journey. Every journey has twists and turns and requires hard work, even heroic effort, to overcome challenges along the way. At Acton, children discover their unique talents and passions while developing the habits of mind and character needed to chase down their dreams with energy and joy. Our mission is to guide your child to discover his or her own unique path.
“Acton has changed who our son is.”
Adventure Program
Acton Adventure Van

Starting in Acton elementary, students explore the world around them! With the use of an adventure van—a 15-passenger Ford Transit—every week students go somewhere new. Adventures include trips to national monuments and parks; kayaking on the Potomac River; and visits to factories, architecture firms, warehouses, construction sites, and more. These excursions inspire, equip, and connect students on their journey to discover who they are and what they want to be.
“Acton Academy is grounded in trusting children and believing they can handle big responsibilities.”