Acton Children’s Business Fair — Judges Prize Pool

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Friends Zaia and Esme sold homemade popsicles at the Acton Children’s Business Fair of Washington, DC.

Friends Zaia and Esme sold homemade popsicles at the Acton Children’s Business Fair of Washington, DC.

The Acton Children's Business Fair of Washington, DC is a one-day showcase of the power of entrepreneurship for even the youngest children. Children ages 6 to 14 create a business, sell to real customers, and keep the profits. We provide outdoor tents and tables. It’s that simple.

Along the way children learn about entrepreneurship. More importantly, they learn about themselves and what they’re capable of. Learn more how to donate to our judges prize pool.

Judges Prize Pool

We invite you to celebrate the power of entrepreneurship with the following tax-deductible donation levels. Your sponsorship underwrites the fair and provides the judges prize pool for $50 awards for the young entrepreneurs in three categories, by age. The categories are:

  • Most original business idea - celebrating creativity or uniqueness

  • Business with the best marketing/presentation or sales pitch - celebrating beautiful displays or packaging and/or compelling sales pitches

  • Highest business potential - celebrating a product/service that is ready to go to market and has high potential outside the business fair

Judges Sponsorship Levels & Benefits

  • Venture Capitalist — $500

  • Angel — $250

  • Benefactor — $100

  • Young Entrepreneur Judge — $10

  • Supporter — Thank you for your gift of any amount!

Judges receive a special Acton Children’s Business Fair of Washington, DC t-shirt as a small “thank you!” for your time and support. Additionally, we would be happy to include your business logo or name on our website and offer sponsorship recognition in our marketing.

Ways to Give to Acton

You can give online, mail your donation, or send a foundation grant. Please click the buttons below for more information.

Tax-Deductible Sponsorships

Acton Academy Foundation, host of the Acton Children’s Business Fair of Washington, DC, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to Acton are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. You can find Acton’s IRS 501(c)3 letter here. Acton’s tax ID number is 47-4108671.

DC Is the Silicon Valley of Children’s Entrepreneurship

In 2018, more than 125 young entrepreneurs at the Acton Children’s Business Fair of Washington, DC delighted over 3,300 customers, and the fair earned local and national media coverage.

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“Forget show and tell: These young entrepreneurs aim to show and sell.”

—The Washington Post, May 30, 2017

This entrepreneurial spirit in Washington, DC is growing! Inspired by our Acton Children’s Business Fair of Washington, DC, almost a dozen other fairs have launched or are planned in the DC area. From Cleveland Park to Brookland in DC, from Rockville to Takoma Park in Maryland, and from Arlington to Ashburn in Virginia, the Washington, DC area is fast becoming the Silicon Valley of children’s entrepreneurship!

Save the Date: Acton Children’s Business Fair of Washington, DC


Saturday, May 11, 10am-1pm, Cleveland Park

Please save the date for the fourth annual Acton Children’s Business Fair of Washington, DC. Join us Saturday, May 11, 2019, on Connecticut Avenue in Cleveland Park, now the largest children’s entrepreneurship event in the country.

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Thank you for your support!

Thank you for being part of the Acton community of innovators, entrepreneurs, and supporters! If you have questions or would like additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to David Kirby at or 202.255.2503.

All the best,

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David Kirby & Nicole Spencer
Cofounders and Parents